Why We Use Cloth Diapers-Our Story

I didn’t use cloth diapers on Miss M.  When she was born in 2004, I didn’t even consider it.  My only consideration was which brand of disposable I was going to use…Pampers or Huggies.  She was in disposables until she was potty trained by the age of 3.
In 2007, we went to visit our friend Heather in Asheville, NC.  While we were there she changed her baby girl’s diaper.  Well, while she was changing it both my husband and I noticed that the diaper was not a Huggies or Pampers.  It was cloth.  My husband asked, what is that?  Heather replied that it was a cloth diaper, specifically a Fuzzi Bunz.  This was not the kind of cloth diaper I had heard my mother and her generation complain about.  It was cute.  There were no pins.  Afterwards she showed a diaper to us and explained how easy it was to use.  We were intrigued.  Both my husband and I thought that if we would have another child, we would try cloth diapers.
Fast forward to 2009.  I was pregnant with Baby C.  I started to search online about cloth diapers.  I discovered another world that I didn’t know existed.  My head started to spin with all the choices out there. I emailed Heather for some advice, which she gladly supplied.  I then stumbled upon Jillian’s Drawers and their 10 diapers for $10 trial program.  We decided this program would be good way to start the process and to sample a variety of diapers.  We also decided we wouldn’t start cloth diapering C until she was about two months old.  Newborns go to the bathroom a little too much for a newbie like me.  I wanted to give myself a good enough success curve.  The trial program worked like a charm and really helped give us a running start.
So here we are seven months into cloth diapering and it is going great!  I love the fact that we don’t have to run out to get diapers.  If we are out of diapers, I just have to do some laundry.   I love the fact that we are helping the environment in however a small way.  I love the fact that through this endeavor I have met some really nice and helpful mothers who have also decided to cloth diaper.  Of course, I can not forget the biggest fact I love about cloth diapering…the savings.  It is huge!
Cloth Diapers…they are not your mama’s kind.  They are better…and more.


  1. i wish that cloth diapers would be shared more!! i think people instantly think of what our parents or their parents used…and it’s so not the case!! i started cding my youngest three about a year ago. and can’t wait to cloth diaper my newborn in july!! ((but am debating waiting a bit to start…breastfood poo is soooo…well poo-ey. :0)))

  2. i really have to hand it to you to do this. i’m not sure it’s for us, though. don’t you have to do a ton of laundry? i feel like i’m always doing laundry the way it is. also, the cost is a little high for the start-up, right? if you could tell me more about it, though, i’d be interested. i like your blog!

  3. YOU CLEAN CRAP!!! Love your big brother

  4. I love cloth diapering. My story was a little bit different, I kept hearing people talk of it and said would check it out, but never did. Then my 3rd daughter after using regular daughters for a couple of weeks her bum stayed horrible red and then started to bleed and I couldn’t take it anymore and we went to cloth. Ever since then, we are all better.


  5. Hey, does this make me famous!? LOVE it, Angie! Glad Lucy and I could play a small part… 😉

  6. Thanks for spreading the Fluffy Love! I think its important when people talk about how far cloth diapers have come. They are modern, easy, and green. Love the blog:)

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