Low Entry Giveaways Ending Soon!

Ends Today!  Friday, Nov. 11th

Saturday, Nov. 12th

Sunday, Nov. 13th

Monday, Nov. 14th

Three Little Piggies

Bought matching pjs for the girls…didn’t realize that my niece had bought the same ones for her baby!  Hence a pajama party was born.

Holding Hands

I remember when I was about 10 or 12 and we were visiting my grandparents that lived in Southern Illinois.  We didn’t get to see them all that much because we lived in the Chicago suburbs.  We usually went there, though, during the summer for one of the many annual picnics that their little town held.  While we were at the picnic, my Granny held my hand as we walked around the park.  I distinctly remembering telling my older sister that “Granny wanted to hold my hand” and that I thought that was weird since I was clearly too old to have my hand held.  My sister replied that Granny just misses us and was showing her love through holding my hand.  I don’t know why this memory has stuck, but there it is.

C is still at the age where she needs to hold my hand.  Sometimes she doesn’t want to and so then I have to carry her, but for the most part she will reach out and take my hand.  She will do this especially when she is walking down stairs or needs assistance with something.  Miss M is now seven.  She is getting closer to the age that I was in the memory described above.  Nevertheless, when she gets out of school, she still reaches for my hand as we walk to the car.  This small act never fails to make me smile.  In the back of my mind I know that her wanting to do so will soon come to an end.  I don’t know why but it saddens me in however a small way.  Don’t get me wrong, I want my kids to grow up and fly out of the nest, if you will.  It is just that I can see what is on the horizon and I would like it to just slow down for a bit.

Perhaps this is what Granny was doing as well as she reached for my hand on that summer day.  I can only pray that she will continue to “hold” my girls hands as they navigate through life.  I know she is certainly still holding mine.

Low Entry Giveaways Ending Soon!

Ends TODAY!  Friday, November 4th

Saturday, November 5th

Sunday, November 6th

Ending Later in the Week….

A Movie Star and Her Pet Skunk

Spooky and Not-So Spooky Findings

In the spirit of Halloween, below are some free printables, crafty ideas and yummy food that I have found while perusing the web via pinterest.

Click on the image to see more.

Using Cookie Cutters to Carve Pumpkins
Soda Bottle Monsters
Free Printable Treat Tags
Pumpkin Pie Bites
Monster Pudding Cups
Gory Brain Cap Costume Idea

Pumpkin Gals

Fun at the Pumpkin Patch at The Children’s Farm in Palos Park, IL.


C is a definite two year old.  And a stubborn one at that.  When she doesn’t want to do something, she, well, won’t do it.  We found that two things work to cajole her to our way of thinking.

Threaten and Follow Through.
Many a night goes by where C does not want to clean up her toys and start to get ready for bed.  We tried time outs but she rather enjoyed them a little too much.  She liked them so much she ASKED to be put in time out rather than clean up.  J then had a thought, she loves LOVES to read or rather, be read to, before bedtime.  So we started to give her a warning that if she chose not to clean up, then there will be no bedtime stories.  After the first couple times where she didn’t clean up and therefore she didn’t get her stories, a warning is pretty much all that is given for the deed to be done.

Sometimes, no, really a lot of times, C becomes obsessed over something.  For example, the other day her empty fruit snack wrapper blew out of the car when I went to take her out.  Oh my goodness, you would have thought the world was ending!  Let me remind you again, the wrapper was empty.  She had already eaten the snack.  Didn’t matter.  She talked about this empty wrapper for a good hour and then had to tell her daddy about it at dinner and then told me about it again today when I gave her a new fruit snack.  The only way I got her off the subject of the darn wrapper was through distraction.  I showed her something else, like a book or put on her Barney or Dora dvd or just talked to her about other things we saw on that same day.  9 times out of 10 this works and helps my sanity tremendously.  I truly believe that if I let her talk about that wrapper she would.  All.  Day.  Long.  My sanity is worth more than that.

Two year olds are tough.  But I know they are nothing compared to three year olds.  She is so different from her sister and yet, I take comfort in the fact that I have been down this road before.  This too shall pass.

Low Entry Giveaways Ending THIS WEEKEND! (10/21-10/23)

ENDS TODAY! Friday, October 21st

Saturday, October 22nd

Sunday, October 23rd

If you have a giveaway that has under 100 entries and is due to end soon, feel free to contact me to list it here.  Thanks!

Star Wars Cupcakes with Chocolate Buttercream Frosting: A Recipe

This past weekend, I made Miss M her Star Wars cupcakes as she requested for her 7th birthday.  The cupcakes themselves were from a box.  Duncan Hines Devil’s Food Cake Mix, to be precise.  So that was easy enough.

Then came the frosting.  I have never made it by hand before.  I knew I wanted chocolate but it also had to require items that I already had on hand.  Oh, yeah, it also had to be super easy.  I did a search on my beloved pinterest and found it.  The one.  The best chocolate buttercream frosting that I have ever tasted.

Chocolate Buttercream Frosting Recipe
as adapted from Savory Sweet Life
The Good Stuff:

  • 1 cup (2 sticks!) unsalted butter (softened but not melted)
  • 3 1/2 cups confectioners sugar
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 4 tablespoons heavy cream (or whole milk)

Where the Magic Happens:
  1. Cream butter for a few minutes in mixer using paddle attachment on medium speed.  Turn off mixer.
  2. Sift all of the confectioners sugar and cocoa powder into the mixing bowl.  (I sifted before I measured).
  3. Turn mixer to lowest speed and add sugar and cocoa powder and mix until both are fully absorbed by the butter.
  4. Increase mixer to medium speed and add vanilla extract and cream/milk and beat for 3 minutes or so.
  5. Does it look alright?  If so, you have made frosting!  If it needs to be thinned out, add 1 tablespoon of milk at a time.  If the frosting needs to be more stiff, add a little more sugar.
Star Wars Stencils
Miss M really wanted something to do with Star Wars on her cupcakes.  Again, on pinterest, I searched “Star Wars cupcakes” and came up with this product that Williams Sonoma makes.
For about ten bucks, you get four stencils of Darth Vader, Yoda, Storm Trooper and the Logo itself.  The stencils are quite easy to use.  You simply place them on top of the cupcake and sift some powdered sugar, cinnamon, etc over the stencil.
Here are some helpful tips:
  • make sure you refrigerate your frosted cupcakes overnight or a suitable length of time so that the frosting will not automatically absorb your design.
  • if you are traveling with your cupcakes, do the decorating once you get to your destination.  This is what we did and it took a whole five minutes for us to decorate about 24 cupcakes.  Quick and Easy.

Overall, I was quite pleased on how the cupcakes turned out this year.  We had some leftovers but they have since been eaten up.  If that isn’t a ringing endorsement, I don’t know what is.