A Tollipop Girl

Do you know a Tollipop girl?  C is my Tollipop girl, especially when she wears this outfit!
Please stop on by the lovely Kirsten’s site to see what I mean and perhaps win your very own Tollipop girl like this:
While you are there, peruse her writings about her three gorgeous girls and life in the desert.
You won’t regret it.

Disclaimer: No compensation was given for proclaiming my love for all things Tollipop, just an extra entry for myself in the giveaway.  One can not have too many tollipops!

The Baby is Not Mine

…she belongs to my niece.  C and Baby J are 21 months apart in age.
Yep.  There is a reason my girls are 4 1/2 years apart.
It’s called my sanity.

Facebook? Who needs ya?

For Lent this year, I decided to abstain from going on any social media sites (such as facebook, twitter, tumblr to name a few).  I even posted about it here.  Well, did I actually follow through?  Did I actually not go on any of the before mentioned sites not even for a little sneaky peek?  Hmm….

I did not.  I have to tell you the first day was kinda tough because it had become my habit to check these sites A LOT.  I was committed to not do it.  It helped that my husband had also decided to give up the same sites for his own reasons.  The only thing I really missed from not checking facebook was the updates from family that don’t live close by.  I found that even my family that does live near me would be talking about things on facebook and I would feel totally out of the loop.  I also missed not seeing photos of new babies and of friend’s children.

When I did return to facebook (Easter night), my first order of business was to scale it back.  I had started to “like” a bunch of companies, etc. in the hopes of winning giveaways, which caused my news feed to literally become clogged and overrun by junk.  The status updates I wanted to read from family and friends would quickly become lost amongst the latest sale going on at Walgreens or Old Navy or even another blog’s giveaway.  So that night I started to purge and unlike.  If your company/blog, etc. were eating up my feed, you were gone or “unliked”.  My reasoning being that if I didn’t miss you during those past forty days, I probably won’t miss you in the future.

I haven’t gotten to this point with twitter yet.  Probably because I haven’t been on twitter as long and don’t have as many family/friends on it as well.  Also, on twitter you are able to form lists so to categorize different people you are following.  Therefore I just check my lists to see the tweets of the people I really care to read.

So if you are considering taking a break from social media, I say go for it!  It really helped me to refocus on my blog and other things that I am interested in like … reading a book.  (What a concept!)

Most importantly through my small sacrifice, Miss M was inspired to also give up something near and dear to her heart.  Her (fake) iPod.  I didn’t even know she had done this until one day she said, “When I see Mommy on Facebook, I know I can go on my iPod.”  And since she didn’t see me on Facebook, she kept her promise as well.   Success for all.

PS.  Happy Birthday to my dear friend, Colleen, who doesn’t need a social media site to tell her that she rocks!

REALLY Low Entry #Giveaways Weekly List! (5/6-5/12) #lowentries

All of the below giveaways have under 100 entries.  Low Entries=Greater Chance to WIN!

There are over 80 this week!  A Kodak Camera and a BumGenius Cloth Diaper are just some of the great finds!

If you have a giveaway closing within the week and has low entries, please contact me to be added to this list.
Thanks! and Good Luck!

ENDS TODAY! Friday, May 6th

Saturday, May 7th

Sunday, May 8th

Monday, May 9th

Tuesday, May 10th

Wednesday, May 11th

Thursday, May 12th

FREE Mother’s Day Printables

Hard to believe it is Mother’s Day this Sunday already!  Around here it seems like it has been non stop family gatherings starting with Easter and then my mom’s birthday party this past weekend.

I have found once again some cute printables that can easily be made into cards and/or gifts.  Hopefully if you are a mom, your husband will do the right thing and get your kids to make you a nice card, etc.  If you suspect he may need a little help, you can always point him to this post…

(you gotta click on this one to read what the can says!)

Arboretum Fun

70 Years Ago…

this bundle of cuteness entered the world!  Today my mother celebrates seventy years of life!  I am so proud to call her my mom, my friend, my mentor, my example of a woman living her life for God.  Most of all, she is a wonderful example of God’s love in her many thoughtful and caring ways. 
On her 1st birthday with her grandfather with whom she shared a birthday.
Happy Birthday, Mom!  May the good Lord bless you today and always! 
With Love,

REALLY Low Entry #Giveaways Weekly List! (4/29-5/5)

Here’s this week’s list of super low, really low entry giveaways!  All of these giveaways have less than 100 entries and are due to end within the next week.  Less entries = Greater chance to actually win!  There are over 80 giveaways this week!

If you would like your giveaway to be listed, please email me here.  Thanks!

ENDING TODAY! April 29th
Saturday, April 30th

Sunday, May 1st
Monday, May 2nd
Tuesday, May 3rd
Wednesday, May 4th
Thursday, May 5th

FREE Teacher Appreciation Printables and Ideas w/Linky

Next week, May 2nd-May 6th is Teacher Appreciation Week.  Do you have your teacher gift already?  If you are anything like me, the answer would be a resounding NO.  It wasn’t even on my radar until Miss M brought home a note from the PTA with ideas of things your child could bring each day of the week to show his/her appreciation.  I loved that they did this since I am pretty uninspired with this sort of thing.

My friend Heather at Pass the Cereal also posted some awesome teacher gift ideas that would be good for either next week or at the end of the year.  But since I am in no way as crafty as her, I thought I would do some surfing on the web and see if I could find some neat printables that could make a quick and easy and thoughtful gift.

Here’s what I found:

and last, but not least, a simple thank you is sometimes words enough…
Do you have any great teacher appreciation ideas?  Please share or..

Who Wore It Best?

Miss M age 18 months (2006)
C age 23 months (2011)

Same dress.  Same sweater.  5 years apart.

Now that is getting my money’s worth.