Toddler Angst and Other Things

LOW Entries #Giveaways Ending Soon!

Found some more good giveaways going on that are due to end in the next couple of days.  They all have under 100 entries.

If you have a giveaway that is due to end by this Thursday (7/14) and would like it listed, please contact me.

Good Luck!

Ending TODAY!  Tuesday, July 12th
Wednesday, July 13th
Thursday, July 14th


Today is our wedding anniversary.  12 years.  Truly the best decision I ever made was to marry this man.  He is good, he is loyal, he is mine. 
Instead of writing anything else sappy, I will just leave you with this sappy photo of the two of us…

See that joy?  It’s still there.

We are blessed.

I love you, J.

REALLY Low Entry #Giveaways Ending SOON! #lowentries


Below are the giveaways that I have found across the internets that are due to end by Monday, July 11th and have under 100 entries.

If you have a giveaway that you would like me to add to my list, please contact me.

Good Luck!

ENDING TODAY! Friday, July 8th
Saturday, July 9th
Sunday, July 10th
Monday, July 11th

My Little Patriots

REALLY Low Entry #Giveaways BiWeekly List! (7/1-7/4) #lowentries


All of the following have less than 100 entries and are due to end within the upcoming three day weekend.  Please let me know if you have a giveaway that you would like added to the list.  Thanks and Good Luck!

ENDS TODAY! Friday, July 1st
Saturday, July 2nd
Sunday, July 3rd
Monday, July 4th

Winner of Discovery Girls Prize Package!

And the winner is Give Peas a Chance!  She has been notified and has 48 hours to respond to my e-mail!
Congrats to her and Thanks to all the entries!

Pretty as a Peacock

Miss M….Face Painting at Brookfield Zoo..
Then (2007)
Now (2011)

Don’t Throw Out That Swim Diaper!

I have been using cloth diapers on my 2 year old since she was about six weeks old.  Although I love using them and encourage others to do the same, I realize that not everyone can or wants to make the same choice.  I have a suggestion for you if you do not cloth diaper BUT you do take your little one to the pool or splash pad…


These diapers are not only so much cuter than the throw away swim diapers they will also save you SO MUCH money!  I remember when Miss M was in diapers (disposables) and we would buy the Huggies Swim Diapers.  When she was in swim lessons and also when it was summertime, I swear we had to buy a package every couple of weeks or so.  That was money I was literally throwing away especially since she would wear the diaper for such a short amount of time.  I hated it but I didn’t know of any other alternative.  Then I had C.

With C, we have never used a disposable swim diaper.  Rather I use a FuzziBunz cloth diaper that is normally too small on her but if you remove the insert it fits her perfectly.  If you don’t have old cloth diapers, etc. then I highly recommend you check out the washable swim diapers that are on the market today.

Here are some pictures of the cuteness:

AppleCheeks in Samoan Sunset (Retail $18)

Swimmis by Bummis in Bubbles Print (Retail $12.75)

Swimmis in Turtle Print

As you can see, there are choices for both boys and girls.  I just like the girls prints a bit more because I am a bit biased!

For $12.75 you can get a diaper that will literally last you the entire summer.  Compare that with a 12 pack of Huggies Disposable Swim Diapers that will cost you $9.00 and not to mention that that will not be the only time you pay that price.  You will be probably be spending $20 and more over the course of a summer depending on how much you go to the pool/beach.
As far as caring for these diapers, it is really simple.  If they happen to poop (yes, I said it) while wearing it, the diaper will catch it.  After you take it off your child simply dump the waste into the toilet and rinse off.  After it is dry you can put it back on your child for some more pool time fun.  
If you are interested in either of the diapers I showed above, please Click here to visit Kelly’s Closet.
Once there, click on “Swim Diapers” found on the left side of the main page.
What is your thoughts, experiences with Washable Swim Diapers?  Have you heard about them before?  Why haven’t you tried them yet?  Please share.  Thanks!
Kelly’s Closet link is an affiliate link.  I do get a penny or two from any sale made from it.  Thanks in advance for your purchase!  Also, the awesome Discovery Girls Giveaway ends tomorrow!  Enter here.

REALLY Low Entry #Giveaways Weekly List! (6/24-6/30) #lowentries


All of the below have less than 100 entries in their giveaways and are due to end within the next week.

Don’t forget to enter my own Discovery Girls Magazine Prize Package worth $70!  It ends next Tuesday, June 28th.  Go here to enter!

ENDS TODAY! Friday, June 24th
Saturday, June 25th
Sunday, June 26th
Monday, June 27th
Tuesday, June 28th
Wednesday, June 29th
Thursday, June 30th