“Make Mo’ Money” or Ebates is where it’s at!

Have you heard of Ebates yet?  I hadn’t until a couple months ago when I saw all the money saving blogs talking about it.  I checked it out and immediately signed up.

What got me to sign up so quickly and Why should you?

  • It is absolutely free to join
  • You get $5 for just signing up
  • Ebates pays you. Yes, you! to shop
  • There are even discounts and coupons associated with the stores you are going to shop with anyway.

So what do you do?

  • Sign up!
  • When you are ready to shop at any of the affiliated stores, go to Ebates first.
  • Find the store you want to shop with and click on that link
  • Shop!
  • Ebates does all the work and will let you know how much cash back you will receive from any purchases you made.
  • Every three months, a check will be mailed to you or you can choose to have it posted to your paypal account.

One major online store that Ebates does not have a relationship with is Amazon, which is a real bummer.  Don’t let that stop you from signing up!  Since the time I have signed up, I have already earned over twenty bucks in cash back!  So give them a try!

This post does contain affiliate links.  I do get a small credit if you click on them.  Thanks!


  1. Sounds like another fun site to make a little extra cash on the side:) Thanks for sharing this! I am now following you thanks to Friday Follow, and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
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  3. blog hopping from Frugal Novice blog hop friday. Love the name of your blog he he. I’ve heard of ebates before and I’m going to look into it someday. Sounds good.

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  5. Fellow Blog Hopper:)


  6. Blog hopping. Followed you on GFC.


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