Is Your Girl a Discovery Girl? A Review and #GIVEAWAY! CLOSED!

Have you heard of Discovery Girls Magazine?  It is a magazine geared towards young girls from ages 8 to (about) 14.  Although my oldest daughter is only 6 1/2 and haven’t hit this core audience yet, I was curious to take a look since I realize that before I know it, she will be considered a tween.  Gasp!
Discovery Girls was started ten years ago by a mom that wanted a magazine for her daughter that wasn’t readily available.  One that would address the common struggles her young daughter was facing in an age appropriate way.  One that would feature real girls in real life situations with real life answers.  One that wouldn’t be “boy crazy” but instead understand the delicate balance between little girl and growing up girl that this age is at.  Hence, Discovery Girls was born.
As part of my review I received two magazines.  The standard edition for ages 8 and up and the middle school edition for ages 11 and up.  First off, I LOVE that they have two magazines.  Although these ages aren’t very far apart, they can be light and day in the sense of what these two age groups are interested or focused on.  Still, the two magazines are very similar.  The only main difference is that in the middle school edition they talk about celebrities, your body changing and the road ahead … after Discovery Girls.
My daughter enjoyed looking at the regular edition.  She enjoyed reading (and laughing with) the embarrassing moments section and I appreciated how the voices throughout the magazine are not condescending.  There is a real good mix of reader submitted content and adult written articles and all are well written.
A couple things really stood out to me: 1. There are no blaring ads on every page!  The ads are there but they are very subtle and are very well placed.  2.  The girls on the cover are every day girls.  No fashion models here!  They pick girls from a particular state and have a photo shoot with them in their home state.  Very cool.
The second item I was given to review was one of their Fab Girls Guide books.  I received Fab Girls Guide to Getting Through Tough Times.  This series of books are each a compilation of reader submitted essays pertaining to the topic at hand.  I really enjoyed reading this book and I feel every mom should have it on hand for those “just in case” moments.  In this book, the “tough times” are as “routine” as your friend doesn’t like you anymore to being robbed at gunpoint and everything in between.  What is most important about this book (and the magazine itself) is that it truly helps the girl reading it to see that they are not alone.  To give a young girl the gift of security and peace of mind is truly a gift from the heart and Discovery Girls strives to do just that.
So now that you have read my GLOWING review of Discovery Girls, you are probably wondering how you can get your own.  Well, you have a couple of ways to do just that!
BUY IT! You can become a subscriber of Discovery Girls Magazine for 1 year (6 issues) for $19.95 or 2 years (12 issues) for $29.95.
WIN IT! A Discovery Girls Prize Package (worth $70!) which includes:
  • complimentary one year subscription ($20 value!)
  • one complete set of the Fab Girls series books ($40 value!)
  • special collector’s edition of the past 10 years of Discovery Girls ($10 value!) avail. June 28th!

MANDATORY ENTRY: Visit Discovery Girls’ website and have a look around.  What do you like about this magazine and/or its online features?  Please Leave Your E-mail Address with this comment!
EXTRA ENTRIES: To be done only after answering the above question!
  1. Like Discovery Girls on Facebook (leave your Facebook name).
  2. Follow Discovery Girls on twitter (leave twitter name).
  3. Follow Queen of the Snot Princesses on Google Friend Connect (side bar — click Follow) (leave GFC name in comments).
  4. Follow me on twitter and tweet: “Do you have a tween in your life? Enter to #win @DGMagazine Prize Package #Giveaway (worth $70!)”  Be sure to leave your link in the comments.  You may tweet only ONCE.

This giveaway is offered to US and CANADA 18 + and will end on June 28th 11:59pm CST.  Winner will be chosen through   Winner will be notified via e-mail.  If they fail to respond within 48 hours, then a new winner will be picked.  Please leave your e-mail address with your comments so that I may contact you if you win.  I will not share your e-mail address with anyone, it is strictly for me to notify you of your winnings.  GOOD LUCK!

Full Disclosure:  I received the above items free of charge from Discovery Girls, but was in no way instructed to give a positive review.  My reaction is mine and mine alone.  You may find you like the magazine differently and that is okay by me.


  1. I like that this magazine promotes strong character development in our girls without trying to sell things (like American Girl does).

    aecopley at gmail dot com

  2. i like that they don’t basic alot on all these actress and actors that you see in the other magazine. the girls get some actual information, not just fluff. (

  3. I liked that magazine promotes strong character development in our girls without trying to sell things (like American Girl does).

    Jenn from How to Make a Hair Bow

  4. I liked Discovery Girls Magazine on FB!

    Jenn from How to Make a Hair Bow

  5. I love the Shout Out Section on the website with the surveys!

  6. I like Discovery Girls Magazine on Facebook (Betsy Hoff)

  7. I follow on GFC as bukaeyes

  8. I like the advice section that gives girls ideas on how to solve their every day issues

  9. I like Discovery Girls on FB(kelly delrosso)

  10. At the Discovery Girls website, I think the Advice feature is great. Many girls feel uncomfortable going to their parents or another adult in person to address their issues. It is much easier for them to get answers on a website where they do not have to face someone.

    Thanks for the great giveaway. My Niece would be thrilled if I won this. ~Pauline

  11. I am a fan of Discovery Girls on Facebook.

    Facebook ID: Pauline Milner Pike

  12. I am following Discovery Girls on Twitter.

    Twitter ID: @bullittmilner

  13. I am following your blog publically with Google Friend Connect. GFC ID: dod

  14. I am following you on Twitter. My Twitter ID is @bullittmilner.

  15. I like that the magazine encourages friendship and healthy lifestyle. The girls are all dressed modestly too!

  16. I like the section Embarrassing Moments. I think reading about the embarrassing things that happen to others helps put your embarrassing moments into perspective!

  17. I like Discovery Girls on FB as Lea Larson. Sorry I forgot to leave my email on my first comment. It is thegunnysack(at)

  18. I follow Discover Girls on Twitter @TheGunnySack

  19. I follower your blog with GFC as The Gunny Sack

  20. As a Mom to 2 girls (ages 10 & 7) I love so many things about this. I especially love how informative it is and written on a level that they can understand.

    bamagv at aol dot com

  21. I tweeted the giveaway!/TheJohnsFamily/status/81524270957723649

    bamagv at aol dot com

  22. I like the advice section

    ontariohappychick at gmail dot com

  23. I LOVE that they have a daily blog on the website! Will need to show that to my daughter!

    christyplus2 at gmail dot com

  24. i like discovery girls on facebook!

    christyplus2 at gmail dot com

  25. i follow Discovery Girls on twitter!

    christyplus2 at gmail dot com

  26. i’m a new follower for you with GFC! (OrangeHeroMama)

    christyplus2 at gmail dot com

  27. i follow you on twitter, and tweeted!!/orangeheromama/status/81575466737221632

    christyplus2 at gmail dot com

  28. i like their ‘health and beauty’ section

  29. gfc-annae07

  30. I like the freebies–two fantastic frosting recipes. I know my daughter will be checking out this site!!!!

  31. liked them on FB told them you sent me =)
    pamela bluehs rote

  32. following them on twitter –mapam30

  33. following you GFC

  34. tweeted

  35. following you twitter =)

  36. I like that they use photos of real, everyday girls.

  37. I love the Fun Stuff tab where they show fun things for girls to do. I’d love to win this because I have 2 girls 🙂 Thanks for linking up at the Markey Your Biz & Giveaways party.

  38. I love the down to earth feel of this magazine and the positivity it radiates!!

    dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

  39. I Like Discovery Girls on Facebook (J. Leonard)

    dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

  40. I Follow Discovery Girls on twitter

    dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

  41. I follow you on twitter and tweeted!/dropcqueen/status/82078323563433984

    dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

  42. Anonymous says

    I love how relevant the magazine is to tweens, and how cute the site is!


  43. Anonymous says

    I liked Discovery girls on FB as Krista Mk


  44. Anonymous says

    I followed discovery girls on twitter as @KristaK2


  45. Anonymous says

    I follow this blog via GFC as Krista


  46. Anonymous says

    I follow you and I tweeted:!/KristaK2/status/82500872189386752


  47. love its a clean positve site for girls mrs.mommyyatgmail

  48. i liked that it promotes positive role models and my daughter liked the games on the web site.

  49. I like that there is an advice column.
    tarter95 at hotmail dot com

  50. GFC follower under tarter95.
    tarter95 at hotmail dot com

  51. Anonymous says

    I like that it seems to cover issues that can really help them
    trustjesus7771 at yahoo dot com

  52. I like that Discovery Girls features real girls and not models.

    thetweenandme (at)gmail (dot) com

  53. At the discovery girls website, I like that it seems age-appropriate. They aren’t pushing the girls to grow up TOO fast, you know? There is a poll and a section for which warm weather snack is your favorite, etc. 🙂

    zucchinisummer at gmail dot com

  54. love the focus on girls genuinely embracing themselves and their opportunities!
    feh79 at yahoo dot com

  55. following DGMagazines on Twitter

  56. I like the Speak Out section of the website. It gives young girls a chance to ask questions of their peers without having to face the possibility of having their questions or concerns made fun of and having to face embarrasment.

  57. Lots of people copying and pasting other people’s answers…

    I like that it’s age appropriate (not boy crazy) and a lot of the articles are fun things that I wouldn’t worry about my sister reading.

    mrs.marcus2 at yahoo dot com

  58. I like how the magazine teaches girls to be strong, confident, and themselves. thanks.

  59. i love all the different topics and that they even have a forum for the girls to ask questions. also i couldnt help it i had to click on this link

    awesome books =)

  60. follow you gfc

  61. Anonymous says

    I love the advice section for the girls.

    cmw_2289 at yahoo dot com

  62. A very nice magazine. I like the advice section.Love to get this for my granddaughter.

  63. now following QUEEN of the Snot Princesses.

  64. I love the fact that this is a place for young girls to share and learn things. I like that there was games, quizzes, advice and girl related news on the site!

  65. I liked DG on FB.

    Kortney Ewing

  66. I’m following DG on twitter.


  67. I’m a GFC following.

    Kortney Ewing

  68. I’m following you via twitter and I tweeted!


  69. I love that they encourage girls to contribute content to the magazine.

    kelli at pfrog dot net

  70. I like that it give’s advice to little girls.


  71. follow on GFC


  72. LOVE Discovery Girls. My twin 9 year old girls are always looking for great magazines and advice on how to navigate the life of a now tween girl. Discovery Girls is so respectful of their issues and never talks down to them or tries to age them up.

  73. I like the “Embarrassing Moments” articles.
    maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net

  74. I like Discovery Girls on Facebook (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).
    maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net

  75. I follow Discovery Girls on twitter (@shala_darkstone).
    maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net

  76. I follow you via Google Friend Connect.
    maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net

  77. I like that the magazine promotes strong character development

  78. I love that this is wholesome and not too grown up
    pleasegivepeasachanceblog AT hotmail DOT com

  79. @peasblog

  80. tweeted I’m @peasblog

  81. I like the fact that it is made/created by girls…

  82. I like DC Girls on Facebook

  83. I follow DC Girls on Twitter (MommaTiff83)

  84. I am following via Google Friend Connect… (Tiffany)

  85. I am following you on Twitter (MommaTiff83) and tweeted the message!!/MommaTiff83/status/85387370282749952

  86. Debbie Kennedy says

    I love that this magazine discusses age relevant topics, and may help children realize that things that they are thinking about are normal
    cleaningrhouse at yahoo dot com

  87. They have fun, tips and advice.

  88. Now following GFC (Gianna).

  89. I would love to win this for my girls. We homeschool them and like them to have wholesome and educational activities. We went on the website, and love that everything is based on learning and healthy self image. This giveaway would mean a lot to them. Thank you for the chance to win.

  90. I liked Discovery Girls on Facebook

  91. My daughter and I both love this magazine because there is advice and situations from real girls!


  92. Like Discovery Girls on Facebook:
    Spend Less & Make Money

  93. Follow Discovery Girls on twitter: @spendlessmakemo

  94. I think the “Advice” section online is a really valuable resource. It offers critical discussions such as “How do you deal with bullying and name-calling?” to the more pragmatic, but equally relevant and useful “5 Ways to Be a Better Friend”. A lot of great material that I wish had been available to myself as a young girl.
    rararomp at gmail dot com

  95. I like Discovery Girls on Facebook as Raegen T.
    rararomp at gmail dot com

  96. I follow Discovery Girls on twitter as @rararomp.
    rararomp at gmail dot com

  97. I’m your public GFC follower Rae T. (Auqakuh).
    rararomp at gmail dot com

  98. I follow me on twitter as @rararomp and tweeted:!/rararomp/status/85721272683741184
    rararomp at gmail dot com

  99. I love that the site gives great advice and tips to girls. I think all girls could benefit from this site in one way or another 🙂
    Kkrasowski at comcast dot net

  100. Liked Discovery Girls on facebook – Kimberly K
    Kkrasowski at comcast dot net

  101. following Discovery Girls on twitter – @tidbitsfromamom
    Kkrasowski at comcast dot net

  102. gfc follower
    Kkrasowski at comcast dot net

  103. following you on twitter – @tidbitsfromamom – and tweeted –!/TidbitsFromAMom/status/85730818160459776
    Kkrasowski at comcast dot net

  104. I like that their website and magazine talks about things that girls this age should be thinking about it. It is age-appropriate! And girls will like it!

  105. I love that they have an Advice feature on their site.

  106. I liked Discovery Girls on FB, andisueks.

  107. I follow via gFC as Mechele Johnson.

  108. I liked Discovery girls on FB as Mechele JOhnson.

  109. I follow on GFC, andisueks.

  110. I like the age appropiate positive message for tweens.

  111. This is a great site. I like the Ask Ali section. Great giveaway!

  112. I like Discovery Girls on FB
    Dana West

  113. I follow you on Twitter

  114. I follow via GFC
    Dana West

  115. -I like how they have advice for girls, health & beauty information and fun stuff to do.
    aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
    Thank You!! 🙂

  116. I Like Discovery Girls on Facebook
    -FB Name: Francine E.
    aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
    Thank You!! 🙂

  117. I Follow Discovery Girls on Twitter
    ***Twitter Name: BeautyToLove
    aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
    Thank You!! 🙂

  118. I Follow You via GFC
    ***GFC Name: BeautyToLove
    aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
    Thank You!! 🙂

  119. I like that the girls in the magazine dress modestly and that the magazine promotes a healthy lifestyle and great character and they aren’t trying to sell you stuff in the process.

    my_2_cents at hotmail dot com

  120. I like Discovery Girls on FB
    Valerie Sandel-Stayton

    my_2_cents at hotmail dot com

  121. I follow Discovery Girls on Twitter

    my_2_cents at hotmail dot com

  122. I am a GFC follower
    Valerie Stayton
    My 2 Cents

    my_2_cents at hotmail dot com

  123. I follow you on Twitter and Tweeted!/Valeries_2cents/status/85857776957530112

    my_2_cents at hotmail dot com

  124. they have a great article on their site about making homemade perfume from flowers and oil. they seem like a lovely alternative from mainstream media for young girls. i like it.
    trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

  125. gfc follower cpage2323
    trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

  126. following dg on fb(tina wofford page)
    trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

  127. following dg on twitter(@trixie420247)
    trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

  128. I love the positive influence it portrays and shares…heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

  129. Follow DG on Twitter *DNatrlBeauty*

  130. GFC follow *heavensent1*

  131. Follow you on Twitter *DNatrlBeauty*

  132. I like that the first picture that I saw was of a girl holding a Bible!

  133. I Like Discovery Girls on Facebook (Jessica Davis)

  134. I Follow Discovery Girls on twitter (JessicaADavis).

  135. I Follow Queen of the Snot Princesses on Google Friend Connect (jadavis42)

  136. i like that they have an advice section!
    taylorcmarves at aol dot com

  137. i like discovery girls on fb
    tay stevenson-marves
    taylorcmarves at aoldot com

  138. i am following discovery girls on twitter
    taylorcmarves at aol dot com

  139. i am following you via gfc
    taylorcmarves at aol dot com

  140. following you on twitter taylormay84
    tweeted about this giveaway
    taylorcmarves at aol dot com

  141. Like DCM on FB *Jennifer C.*

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