Easter 2011 Replay

In our family, we spend every Thanksgiving with J’s family and every Easter with mine.  While we miss the other side when we are not with them, I do like the consistency this schedule gives my girls.  J’s parents were actually up for a short visit this year so they were able to give the girls their Easter goodies before they left on Saturday morning.  This was a nice bonus to the holiday.

On Sunday, we went to early, early mass with my folks.  (They like the 8am mass).  The only good thing about this time is that we live close enough to their church so that we were able to make it there in plenty of time and without rushing through the house to get ready.  I had Miss M pick out her Easter dress the night before so there wouldn’t be any last minute quarrels (on my part) or frustrations (on both of our parts).  I also ironed both mine and C’s outfits the night before so we were all set to go.  Speaking of outfits, the only one who got a new Easter outfit this year was ME!  C wore M’s hand me down, M wore a dress that I won from Little Pea and I was sick of wearing the same thing every Easter.  I swear it looks like I have an Easter uniform in the old photos!  So I found something I like on Land’s End and bought it.  Winning!
We went to mass and then came back to our house for some delicious french toast casserole that J had prepared the night before and then cooked in the morning.  It is awesome.  While waiting for the french toast to finish baking, we did our egg hunt outdoors.  It was fun.  C was definitely getting more into the hunt this year and so we had to remind M to leave some eggs for her sister!
We don’t do a big easter basket filled with treats, etc for the girls.  Instead we buy them each a Christian themed book and perhaps a chocolate bunny and that’s it.  We try hard to keep it real simple and let the focus remain where it should be..the resurrection of our Lord and Savior.
After C’s afternoon nap, we returned to my folks place and had a lovely dinner.  Although my side can be quite large with a total of 6 children (blended family) plus spouses and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, it is every so often, as it was this year, that it is just us and my folks at Easter.  It is a nice and simple gathering.  My folks also gave everyone a lovely Easter card with some Easter goodies inside.
We are so blessed.
Here are a couple of pictures from the day:

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  Anyone have their Easter hunt indoors?


  1. Sounds wonderful! We do a trade off too, but for us it’s one year with my family for Easter and Thanksgiving, then the next year with Matt’s. Luckily, we were able to coordinate with Matt’s brothers’ families to make this schedule work for everyone so we still get to be all together, but it’s tough!

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