Miss M is Now Eight: An Interview

Last Saturday, October 13th, Miss M turned eight.  She is getting closer and closer to that double digit number that we won’t talk about right now since it kinda scares me. Here is my annual interview with her:

How old are you?  EIGHT!!!

What is your favorite color? Pink! Pink is my first one, purple is my second one and blue is my third one.

What is your favorite food? Brownies and Macaroni and Cheese

What is your favorite toy? I like..um..any fashion toy.

What do you mean by fashion?  You make fashion, DUH!

What do you like most about 2nd grade? When somebody yells out, like, for example, when somebody yells that somebody else has a girlfriend.  That is funny!

What is your favorite subject in school?  Art.

Why? Because we get to make cool projects.

What do you like to do at recess? Chase boys or jump rope or do something funny, cool or weird.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Movie Star!

What are you going to be for Halloween? A zombie cheerleader.

What do you like about your sister? When she says funny stuff.  Like “You big fat lady!” or “Kill Them!” or “I’m Dead.”

What is your favorite TV show? I like all.

What do you like to do after school? Go on the iPad or play with my toys.

How do you think you have changed from last year? I’m getting taller and I’m missing seven teeth.

Miss M 8



After a summer hiatus, I have shaken things up in my little corner of the internets. For one, we have a name change – Queen of the Snots as opposed to the former Queen of the Snot Princesses. As my girls are getting older, I saw them liking less and less the “princess” label. I want this space to be one where I not only document their growth but mine as well. Hence the name “Queen of the Snots.” While my girls can be “snots” some times, there is also many snotty moments in my life where I am also the snot. So as my tagline suggests, I might as well own it and relish it.
I hope to post more regularly to this space than I have had been doing on the one. I now own the domain name and have it on wordpress (as opposed to formerly on blogger). With that being said, I have more invested in this and I am committed to making it a place that hopefully will be worthwhile for you to stop by and leave a comment every once in a while.

Since this is a new space, I ask that you RESUBSCRIBE via RSS feed if you had already done so on the previous site. This will ensure that you will be up to date with the latest posts. It looks like if you were an email subscriber previously than it will still work on this new site.  Let me know if this is also true for RSS subscribers.

If you are a new visitor, a special welcome to you and if you like what you see, I encourage you to subscribe through the links listed on the right as well.

Thank you!


Got pictures? Shutterfly can help.

Taking a quick moment to pop in and tell you about a neat contest that Shutterfly is currently having.  I have written previously my love for Shutterfly and Tiny Prints.  Not only do they make gorgeous cards, change of address items, invitations and photo books, but they also get those items to you quick as well!  I have used both of them and highly recommend them.

Summer is a time of family and taking lots of photos.  Shutterfly wants you to share your photos with them on their Facebook page.  By doing so you have the chance at winning a trip for four to the Bahamas and a professional photo shoot!  The best part is that you get a prize just for entering.  Yay, Prizes!

Here’s the details from Shutterfly:

Win a trip for four to The Bahamas and a professional photo shoot so you’ll remember your vacation forever.  All you need to do is upload your favorite photo and caption based on the theme of the week.  Get a gift from Shutterfly just for entering! You can enter at any point during the 5-week sweepstakes period.

•       Week 1 (7/9): Americana
•       Week 2 (7/16): Great Outdoors
•       Week 3 (7/23): Water Fun
•       Week 4 (7/30): Sports & Activities
•       Week 5 (8/6): Parties & Celebrations

       Instant win prizes just for submitting a photo!
       Weekly prizes (contestants can enter one time/week)
       Weekly featured photos: up to 5 weekly entries will be selected from the gallery and featured on the Facebook fan page and awarded a $500 gift card on Shutterfly and a copy of the new Lonely Planet travel photography book.
       Grand prize: trip for 4 to Bahamas, 4 nights, family photo shoot

Check out Shutterfly’s Facebook Page for all the details and to enter!

Like you didn’t already know..

This blog is taking a summer break.  It actually started it out as a spring break that has quickly become a summer one.  I want to do some serious revamping of the looks of this site (have you seen my header? my girls haven’t been that little since 2009!) but alas it is now summer.  Summer means Miss M is home all the time and wants to do things!  One of those things is not watch me work on this blog.

So…hang in there.  We shall return with hopefully a newer and fresher outlook and such.

In the mean time, stay cool (105 degrees today in Chicago!).


Lessons Learned: TV Turn Off Week

Today marks the beginning of TV Turn Off week.  I wouldn’t have known such a week existed if it wasn’t for M’s school sending home a flyer with “helpful” suggestions of what one could do instead of watching tv.  Darn you, public education!  So we took the plunge and said no tv to M and C.  We even took it a step further; no tv episodes on the iPad or computer.  Since we don’t have cable, this fact was a bit harder for M to swallow.  But after some eye rolling (seriously, when did this start? and, already?) she agreed.

Here are some things we learned after a full day of no tv:

  • I learned that the girls played longer and with each other more
  • I also learned they got on my nerves a bit more
  • More disagreements between sisters
  • It is OK to make an exception or two for a certain two year old that is potty training and sees the iPad as a reward.
  • The afternoon didn’t drag on as long as I thought it would
  • Charades is actually quite fun to play with a 7 year old and a 2 year old.  Especially when the 2 year old acts out Wonder Pets.
  • This has the potential of being a very long week…

Have you tried TV Turn Off Week yet?

Potty Training: The Ongoing Saga

So we are still in the midst of potty training (as I suspect we will be for quite some time).  I have tried very hard to just stay calm and not push it if C doesn’t want to sit on the potty.  We have ventured out of the house on many occasions and have had only one accident (and that was outside at the park while her sister played soccer).  Today she went the entire day with no accidents but also absolutely nothing in the potty!  I swear she holds it until she has that diaper on for nap and bedtime!  We are now considering getting her into her big girl’s bed (she is the crib right now) and then taking away all diapers.  I know it will be messy for a while then but I don’t know what else to do.  She is so stubborn.

The funniest thing she does when she has a pee accident is that she will stand very still in one spot and place her hands over her eyes.  It is as if she is saying “I can’t see you, so you can’t see what I have just done!”  I find it always good to have a sense of humor as a parent and I think I am trying to use it now more than ever!
Thanks so much to all that have voiced concern and offered words of encouragement.  I deeply appreciate it.  This too shall pass and then we will be on to the next challenge — getting rid of the pacifier!

Tales from the Toilet: Potty Training Day 5

Relax.  Take a deep breath.  I am constantly telling these words to both my girls.  I have even heard the two year old tell them to her seven year old sister when she (Miss M) was upset.  Today I took my own advice.  And it was a much better day.  In fact it was the best day of the week.

We ran lots of errands.  Ate at a restaurant.  No accidents.  The best part?  Poop in the potty!  Cheers were made and happy dances performed.

So we are getting there.  I am learning the less I talk about it and the more relaxed I am, the more relaxed C becomes.  Baby steps.

Who knew that a toilet could teach you so much?

Tales from the Toilet: Potty Training Day 4

I really don’t know how much longer I am going to be doing these daily posts.  One of my friends has already referred to my blog as “your potty blog” so that might be a sign that I may have to tone it down a bit. : )

Anyway…today’s word is Frustration.  My girl she is a stubborn one and one that has no problem poopin’ on Dora (or whatever else character she has on her underwear).  She did that not once, not twice, but, yeah, three time’s (a lady — not really).

We did leave the house today and had no accidents while running a couple errands.  So there’s that.  Perhaps C will be one of those kids that has no problem when she is at school (in the way of accidents, etc.) but at home will be another story.  Or she could be like Miss M, who I swear only pees twice a day.  Bladder of steel, that girl.

It has been a long day and I’m tired.  But I have not given up.  I can be just as stubborn as my little friend C can be.  I have been given good advice from a couple good, trustworthy friends and I intend to use those tactics tomorrow.  No more iPad on the potty.  No more asking “do you have to go potty?”

Frustrated but resolute.

Tales from the Toilet: Potty Training Day 3

“Do you have to go pee?”  I can’t tell you how many times I asked this question today.  Did she ever answer me with a yes?  Good gosh, no!  Patience…patience.

Two accidents today.  Both times when she deliberately left my sight and went to “hide.”  What frustrates me the most is that this kid KNOWS what she is doing.  Patience….Patience.

She did poop in the potty twice but I think that was just because I caught her in the act and rushed her to the toilet.  I did give her some stickers, though, since the poop did go into the potty.  Patience.  Patience.

I repeatedly have asked her “Where does the pee go?” and she replies “In the potty.”  Side note: tonight when I asked her this question in front of her dad, she replied “On the refrigerator!”  Wise guy.

Kinda feel like I am stuck like in the Groundhog Day movie.


Tales from the Toilet: Potty Training Day 2

Today was pretty much the same as yesterday.  C was very willing to sit on the potty, especially if she got to play with the iPad!  Despite sitting on the potty for numerous times and for very long spurts (sometimes 15-30 minutes long!), she never went.  Frustrating!  She only had one accident and that was in the afternoon.  In the morning, she held her pee until she got her nap-time diaper on.

So here we are.  She does not self-initiate to go to the toilet at all.  I continue to watch her like a hawk and attempt to get her on the potty as much as she is willing and is possible.

The journey continues….