Won’t You Be Mine?

A Valentine’s Day Redux:
We started the morning off right with these “To My 3 Sweethearts” beauties sitting on the kitchen table.
Little C had a bit of a rough morning with a trip to the doctor for a check-up.  With the exception of the screaming and the crying, she is doing great!

Miss M had an awesome morning with her Mom coming to her school and helping out with her class’s V-Day Party.  She also got to eat a cookie and juice in school and hand out valentines.  Score!

Besides the fact that the awesome J stayed home from work and took Little C to the doctor and gave us lovely flowers, he also cooked a wonderful favorite meal of Miss M’s and mine.  Crab Legs!  With homemade garlic twist rolls.  Yum!  
Once again, I am reminded of how blessed I am to have these amazing people in my life.  I hope you were reminded of your blessings of love as well.

A Journal a Day…

For Christmas I asked for and received the book/journal One Line a Day: A Five year Memory Book.  I have always wanted to keep a journal, but with two little ones it is has always been a good idea but never fulfilled.  Well, last year I saw the One Line a Day book somewhere and thought that this might be something I could handle.  You see, you don’t get much space to write…only about 5 small lines or so.  The really cool thing about this journal is that there is space on each page for five years!  The top of a page lists the date and then on the side is spaces for five years.  You fill in the year and your entry.  I think this will be neat way to see how many different things we do on a particular day over the course of five years.
The really neat thing about this is that I feel like I am doing a better job at documenting my children’s childhoods than I ever have before.  Both of the girls have “baby books” but only Miss M’s is filled up to about 3 years or so.  Little C’s book is an utter disgrace.  I was supposed to write in it every month up until she turned a year.  Um, yeah, that didn’t happen.  I think I have it filled until she was maybe 5 months.  Sad.  Of course, I could try to go and fill it in but I would really be lying and fudging on things that I honestly do not remember when they happened.  This little book (and did I mention that it is indeed small?!) helps to solve this problem.  I write in it every night before I go to bed.  Sometimes I will write down something funny Miss M said or something new that Little C did but for the most part I just document the events of the day, kinda like my Granny did all those years ago.

I encourage new parents and not so new parents to get one of these books or start one of your own.  You will be providing not just your children a gift for the future but also their children and their children….

I didn’t receive anything for writing about this book…just wanted to share a great product!

My 100 Days of School by Miss M

It is the 100 day of school, which was yesterday.  What we did was: have a parade and I got to see all of the other kids posters.  We went to see the first graders and the fifth graders.  Well before the fifth graders, we saw the second and then third and then the fourth grade and then the fifth grade. We didn’t get to see the sixth grade because we didn’t want to walk that far.  Before I went to do the parade, we made necklaces with painted noodles that we strung on a thread and then we tied it around our necks.  We made the hats by picking out a piece of paper and then I taped it all together and decorated it.  And then Mr. Purdom (our principal) came to read us the book StinkyFace. That is all.

one cool mom and one cool dad <----typed by Miss M

[Dictated to AEK by Miss M (age 6)]

100 Days!

Yesterday, Miss M celebrated 100 days of being a kindergartner!
Little C had to get in the action too, of course!

Snow Day(s) and Earaches

Here’s our house with about 20″ on the ground, not counting numerous snow drifts that made us truly snowed in!  No school for Miss M and no work for J!  Yay!  The only problem was….


Miss M and her ear.  She went to bed on Tuesday with it starting to bug her.  We gave her some ibuprofen (the last of the bottle) and she went to sleep.  She then woke up a couple times during the night complaining that it was really hurting her.  At one point, she told me she needed one of those Sleep Number Beds since her bed was not comfortable for her ear!  We gave her some tylenol which helped.  She rested more during the day and was even able to go for a quick sled ride with her sister.  Overall, a good day!  And we get another Snow Day today!

In My Granny’s Words

Curious?  Check out Tillie’s Tales for more.

“Make Mo’ Money” or Ebates is where it’s at!

Have you heard of Ebates yet?  I hadn’t until a couple months ago when I saw all the money saving blogs talking about it.  I checked it out and immediately signed up.

What got me to sign up so quickly and Why should you?

  • It is absolutely free to join
  • You get $5 for just signing up
  • Ebates pays you. Yes, you! to shop
  • There are even discounts and coupons associated with the stores you are going to shop with anyway.

So what do you do?

  • Sign up!
  • When you are ready to shop at any of the affiliated stores, go to Ebates first.
  • Find the store you want to shop with and click on that link
  • Shop!
  • Ebates does all the work and will let you know how much cash back you will receive from any purchases you made.
  • Every three months, a check will be mailed to you or you can choose to have it posted to your paypal account.

One major online store that Ebates does not have a relationship with is Amazon, which is a real bummer.  Don’t let that stop you from signing up!  Since the time I have signed up, I have already earned over twenty bucks in cash back!  So give them a try!

This post does contain affiliate links.  I do get a small credit if you click on them.  Thanks!

Music and Self-Esteem

VH1 TV Shows | Music Videos | Celebrity Photos | News & Gossip

I discovered this Pink video from a Mommy Goggles post and I have to say I love it.  It has a great message for both young and old and in-between.
If you are interested in the non-censored version (she uses the F word and the video is bit more explicit), feel free to check it out here.

The Night Boba Fett Came Over..

A Baby Shower is always fun…

…when you are not the one having the baby!  My lovely niece, Caley, and her awesome fiance, Bryan, are expecting a bundle of crying, screaming joy next month.  So their baby shower was this past weekend at my sister’s house.  Here are some pics to document the day:

Conversation Starters
The games & scrapbook to sign 
The favor
Pretty girls